6 Things To Remember While Developing A Mobile App
For small businesses, startups, growing industries, and corporate companies, mobile phone is the latest frontier. Instead of simply developing a fully-responsive website or applying advanced e-commerce capability, today more and more entrepreneurs are wisely investing in the mobile market by launching a mobile app. Before developing a mobile app, you must be aware that not all mobile app are created equally.
If you scroll through the iOS or Android app store, you will find a large number of options that might be useless to you and a waste of money from companies. The app stores provide several applications, but creating an app that adds value to your business is the primary challenge. Some mobile apps really help in generating high revenue for the businesses.
Here are 6 significant features that every business owner should consider while developing a mobile app:
1. Push Notifications
Unlike emails, push notifications are easier to send and convey significant information to the users. Push notifications provide you a convenient way to reach out to consumers with offers, deals & reminders directly to their smartphones. This is one of the best and must have features for any mobile app.
2. Social Integration
Social sharing is an amazing yet convenient way to drive user engagement and attract more users. The crowd over social networking sites shares almost everything they feel excited about. The Facebook, Twitter or any other social sites enable your users to like, comment or share posts. However, social integration can be an ideal option to make word-of-mouth endorsements of your customers to their friends and family without paying bucks.
3. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality goes beyond the realms of reality as it integrates digital information on your mobile app that is provided to the users in real time (live direct or indirect view). No doubt, it is one of the most exciting and dynamic features, that must be considered while developing a mobile app.
4. QR/Barcode Scanner Integration
QR allows users to access a range of different information. The QR (quick response) code connects offline and online marketing that enables users to get online coupons, contact info, and other significant things.
5. Mobile Payment
Today, payment technology is continuously growing with the Google Wallet and mobile payment. This feature must be added to your new mobile app.
6. Feedback
Getting reviews from the existing customers has proved to be very effective for many businesses. It is an easier way to get suggestions from the users that will help you to shape the future of your mobile app.