How to Write an Amazing Blog Post in 60 Minutes or Less
Amazing Blog post is one of the most effective methods to increase business growth through great content. It’s also challenging. There are times when you’re filled with inspiration. You might spend hours attempting to come up with a strong idea, much alone writing your first line, at other times.
It happens to everyone. Blog postings, on the other hand, are still the most effective way to engage your audience and produce leads for your company. In reality, content marketing is used by 82 % of businesses to grow their revenue. So to write effective content within a short period of time, here are some steps which are described below.
Step 1: Create a content idea bank
To be honest, we struggle to come up with excellent ideas, which is why we have to design a method to help us get creative juices flowing. There are four simple strategies to develop viral-worthy blog themes when you don’t know what to write about. Create the main spreadsheet that will function as your idea bank first. It’s now time to start adding ideas to your spreadsheet. Here’s how to think of them.
- Analyze Your Services and Products
While blogging isn’t a direct sales technique, you should be deliberate in selecting themes that are relevant to your organization. You won’t be blogging just for the sake of blogging, and you’ll be more likely to see a return on your time investment. Consider each offer separately and ask the question to yourself
What are the obstacles to your prospects saying yes? The greatest method to boost your lead generation efforts is to address the doubts people have about your company. The webinar discussion boxes are a gold mine for identifying these challenges. You can check at either your own or your competitor’s webinars.
Additional questions to consider when evaluating your products/services:
- Why are you the ideal person to help them with their issues?
- Why not your competitor?
- What is the sense of urgency?
- Why is your product so important right now?
- What makes your product the best option?
Use these questions to generate ideas, and then enter the results into your spreadsheet.
- Examine Your Popular Blog Material
The greatest approach to figuring out what kind of content will appeal to your audience is to look at blog entries that have previously been shown to be successful. Examine your stats and make a list of the most popular post and content upgrade categories.
Ubersuggest can also help you find your most popular articles. Here’s how to do it:
Go to, type in your URL, then hit search.
Navigate to the left sidebar from there. Below the “Traffic Analyzer” section, then select “Top Pages.”
Then you can get the results of your top traffic sites, as well as other information like
- number of backlinks to the page
- estimated monthly visits
You now have a better sense of where to target your future content development efforts now that you know this.
- Perform competitor analysis.
You have to believe in making your competitors work for you rather than against you, and one way to do so is to look at what they’re doing right now. We should not copy their strategy or techniques. Rather, take a look at what material is performing well and see how you can improve it.
Is it possible for you to cover a different angle? Do you want to do some more research? Include downloads if you want your work to be more valuable. For this, you can also use Ubersuggest. Simply type in your keyword and hit the search button. Then, under the left column, select “Content Ideas.” Here’s what you’ll get in the end.
The goal is to locate the most widely shared articles for your term. Focus on the number of backlinks to the URL and the number of social shares to accomplish this. When you search for “blogging,” for example, the first result is Passive Income Blogging: How to Make $1051 with an Amazon Affiliate Blog in a Month.
Not only does it have over 100 backlinks, but it’s also been shared over 13,000 times on Facebook and Pinterest. This demonstrates that it is well-liked by your intended audience. Make it yours, improve it, and readers will seek you out.
- Take a look at the problems our customers are having.
Many people skip this step. You want to be regarded as an authority, tell a great narrative story, and develop hyper-relevant content. Ignoring the people you want to reach isn’t the greatest approach to go about it. It’s all about getting inside your audience’s thoughts and emotions. This is where you can receive that information:
- Comments on a blog
- Quora
- Forums with a specific focus
- Book reviews on Amazon (pay special attention to the negative reviews)
- Groups on Facebook
- Lookup on Twitter
- Search on your own website
What are the questions that your prospects are asking you? What are their objections? What exactly do they require assistance with? Write these ideas down word for word. The goal at this moment is to generate ideas rather than to build a rigid hook.
- Inquire with your customer service representatives.
If you have a customer service department, this is the moment to include them. What are the most common inquiries they receive? What are the common pain points they hear? Is there a part of your own solution that’s causing you problems? Gather your thoughts and see if you can turn them into a blog entry. At the very least, you might be able to come up with some nice FAQs to include in your piece.
Do you lack a customer service department? Check your inbox for a chatbot or email help. I’m sure you can find a few diamonds in the rough to turn into interesting material. You’ll have an arsenal of raw data to translate into customized blog posts once you’ve finished these five steps.
Step 2: Collect sources and begin your research
What if I told you that writing a blog article is similar to sculpting? You’re the creator. Your research paper is a piece of marble. To give life to your post, you simply need to whittle away at the unnecessary material. The only remaining question is how to do research quickly. The procedure is straightforward:
- The same methods that you used to come up with blog subjects can be applied to your research. You concentrate on the content rather than the idea.
- Make a list of any thoughts that occur to mind as you read for your research. Reading should be the intake, and writing should be the result.
- The goal is to write a useful, data-driven article. Gather information from the following sources:
Allow time to pass after you’ve completed your research. Ideas become more refined, acquire more clarity, and the direction of the post becomes more solid. Another time-saving tip: keep track of the best research findings in a bookmark or Google Doc. Instead of having to browse through search results again the next time you require to research, you’ll be able to find it straight away! So, how do you determine what to look at objectively from your blog post to make it more sculpted? It’s all laid out for you in the framework.
Step 3: A Persuasive Blog Post’s 6-Point Framework
People despise few things more than being sold to when all they want is information. If your readers detect even the tiniest trace of sleaze in your blog content, they will immediately click the back button. The only way to avoid that fate is to stop selling and start persuading instead. You must give importance to the following six points:
1. Authority: Creating detailed, data-driven material with unique insights increases your authority. The more power you have, the more people will put their faith in you to bring about the change they desire.
2. Credibility: Your readers must believe not only in you but also in their own potential to achieve outcomes. That’s where comprehensible and effective content comes in handy. Adding graphics every 100 words or so is a smart approach to produce more bite-sized content. In fact, graphics can increase the credibility of information by 75%.
3. Likeability: Everything else is meaningless if your readers don’t like you. People are naturally distrustful of perfection. So go ahead and be vulnerable, tell your tale, and document your flaws. When it comes to picking a brand to do business with, 86% of consumers feel authenticity is vital.
What is the significance of the content in your blog post today? Content upgrades are a brilliant method to include a call-to-action in your post. Using this strategy, Backlinko increased its conversion rates by 75 percent (in just one day!). Approximately every 100 words, in fact, graphics can increase the credibility of information by 75%.
4. Authenticity: In any situation, who is their absolute real self? Authenticity, according to Seth Godin, is consistency. It requires delivering a consistent message on a daily basis.
5. Reciprocity: In the internet world, attention is a valuable asset. So, when someone pays you attention, you respond by giving them something of value with no strings attached. Giving up your greatest material for free, in fact, can help you reap significant benefits.
6. Importance: You must assist your readers in overcoming their delaying tendencies. The best method to achieve this is to underline the importance of the situation. You won’t stand up to inspection if your ideas are flimsy or if the method you present to them is careless. Consistency is crucial for trust and loyalty, according to a study of 27,000 consumers.
Step 4: Flesh out your outline quickly now, it’s time to put your plan into action.
You should have a list of potential blog topics at this time. Now that you’ve completed your research, it’s time to develop your outline without wasting time. We recommend turning on some relaxing music and getting right into the outline. You may spend two hours studying, but if you can stay focused, you’ll produce greater content. Are you ready to start creating your outline? Everything you’ll need to get started is right here.
You may just as well encourage readers to read one of the millions of other blog entries that are published every day. Here’s how to make sure your headline packs a powerful punch:
Rule 1: Be extremely specific. In your headline, use figures instead of general words like “amazing,” “fantastic,” and “great.” There are additional words that are likely to put readers to sleep, but these are the most common ones.
Rule 2: Don’t reveal your entire plan. There’s no reason to keep reading if you find your solution straight immediately.
Rule 3: Generate an emotional response. According to Harvard research, we make decisions based on emotion and only use logic to explain them.
- Make a magnetic beginning
Because your lead acts as a portal to the rest of your content, it should be inviting, interesting, and full of promise. The following are some guidelines for developing mesmerizing blog post openings:
Tip 1: Your opening sentence should be brief, crisp, and easily digestible. Text is easier to read when sentences are short.
Tip 2: Make the problem better by using emotive language to describe your huge promise. Use powerful words to help you write an emotionally compelling story.
Tip 3: To increase your trust and authenticity, use personal anecdotes and little stories.
Step 5: Include value in your post
This is, of course, where you’ll spend the most time. It’s only a matter of taking a close look at the extraneous content and refining your post if you take your time throughout the research phase. Here are a few points for writing dynamic body content:
Tip 1: Find a perfect medium between emotion and logic. While it’s important to hit emotional hot buttons, your readers also require rationality, especially if they’re promised something sensational.
Tip 2: Readers should be able to put your suggestions into action right away and see an immediate advantage or outcome. This will increase your value and encourage visitors to return day after day.
Tip 3: Allow your personality to shine through. It will take time for you to find your own writing voice, but here are some things you can do to speed up the process:
Make a list of two words that best define you. Look for words and phrases that are similar or related to these two keywords. Allow that to function as your personal swipe file of personality power words, which you can then use in your work. Make up an imaginary reader, give them a name, and write as if you’re having a conversation with them.
Bonus Time-Saving Tip: Instead of typing physically, use a voice typing tool. Simply say what you want to say, and most voice typing software will spell it out for you with surprising precision.
Step 6: Compose a strong conclusion and call to action
Examine a handful of your blog entries for a moment. Because we establish a mental procedure to save time and effort when we repeat a task, we subconsciously develop a mental routine to save time and effort. Always end your blog with “Conclusion” and the target term. Always finish on a positive note. While there are no hard and fast rules, there are several pointers to help you close effectively:
Tip 1: Make the key point stand out. Your blog article should not be linear or incomplete. Did you start with a mark-related story? Make that mark appears in your closing. Did you use a specific feeling in your opening? In your closing, bring that emotion to life.
Tip 2: Give readers a compelling incentive to act quickly. What is the major advantage? What do you think the ultimate promise is? Remind them of your suggestions so they’ll be more likely to take action.
Tip 3: Optimism and positivity will always win over fear. Be a motivator.
Tip 4: Finish with a topic for discussion. Asking a question at the end of your piece encourages people to participate and remark on it.
You may write a powerful powerhouse of a blog article without wasting days of your time. This isn’t to claim that writing your first blog article will take you 60 minutes; it most likely won’t. With practice, this method will become second nature, and you’ll be able to write a high-ranking blog article in about an hour. It does not require any sort of magic or remarkable ability. What it requires is dedication and faith in processes that have been shown to produce outcomes.